
Our philosophy is that a real pot-grown Christmas tree should have a long life and with different type of uses. This is possible because KirstinebergĀ“s pot-grown trees have a strong root system, and it is a real nursery school product. It is a living product and it continue to live when it is planted out. Kirstineberg borrow from nature and gives back to nature. We plant a seed which become a beautiful tree, when it is ready and make great joy to families for Christmas. Afterwards it can be planted out and grow larger and even more beautiful.

Kirstineberg A/S is creating trees that can bind CO2. The joy of Christmas tree be extended for years while it continues to grow larger, while it continues to bind CO2.When the tree is large enough it can be used to furniture, build playhouse to children etc.

You can read more about Sustainability and see what Kirstineberg meets of these goals under UNĀ“s Sustainable Development Growth, GlobalGAP, GRASP and MPS.

The goal of this production is to create a quality product with several uses. The consumer can buy a unique and exclusive tree, which can be used as a Christmas tree and afterwards be planted out. Nurseries and different outlets have the advantage that the trees can be sold at different seasons, as the tree is a real pot-grown tree. If it is not sold for Christmas, it can be sold in the spring or in the autumn to be planted out.

Kirstineberg A/S produces following products;