Which products does Kirstineberg Eco offers?

Kirstineberg Eco offers ecological pot-grown Picea Abies & Abies Nordmanniana.
Throughout in our company, we focus on sustainability, were we go much further than an ecological production require.
We try to reduce the amount of plastic, so we use recycled Christmas net, which is produced of recycled plastic.
The pots are biodegradable or produced which a large portion of recycled plastic.
See more about sustainability under how Kirstineberg A/S delivers on a number of UN´s 17 SDGs.

Sustainable development
Through the danish certification of Ecological products, the excipients are already chosen to what we can use in the production method.
We focus to promote the individual´s product, through more use of recycled products. Kirstineberg´s Eco trees are unique as the specialised production system secures a strong and healthy root system, were the roots stays in the pot and are suitable to be planted out after Christmas.